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Navigating Conflict: Sri Lanka's Economic Survival and Lessons for Pakistan

The Sri Lankan Civil War, which lasted from 1983 to 2009, was rooted in deep-seated ethnic tensions between the majority Sinhalese and the Tamil minority. After gaining independence from British rule in 1948, the Sinhalese-dominated government implemented policies that marginalized Tamils, such as the Sinhala-only language policy introduced in 1956. These measures fostered resentment and demands for autonomy among Tamils, ultimately leading to the emergence of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the late 1970s. The LTTE aimed to establish an independent Tamil Eelam in the northern and eastern regions of the country. Despite the brutality of the war, which included widespread violence and human rights violations, Sri Lanka’s economy demonstrated resilience during this period. The geographic concentration of the conflict primarily in the north and east allowed the southern and western regions, including the capital, Colombo, to remain relatively stable. Key industries, such as
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