In the tumultuous year of 1952, Morocco found itself under the oppressive rule of the French colonial administration. The Moroccans, led by their esteemed leader, Sultan Muhammad V, were fervently fighting for their long-awaited independence. Amidst the chaos of this struggle, a remarkable and unexpected turn of events unfolded, involving a man named Ahmed Bulferg, a Pakistani passport, and a triumphant moment at the United Nations Security Council. Sultan Muhammad V, deeply committed to the cause of Moroccan independence, sent Ahmed Bulferg to the United States with a critical mission: to address the UN Security Council and garner international support for their noble cause. However, the French colonial delegates, who maintained a tight grip on Morocco, were quick to employ a cunning tactic. They argued that since Morocco was considered a French colony, Ahmed Bulferg, by virtue of his Moroccan citizenship, could not speak at a UN forum. This was a blatant attempt to silence the voice ...
"Exploring the maze of thoughts, seeking solace in untangling the mind."